Archive | Червень, 2023

The Goddess Asherah

29 Чер

magick millenial

fun info from sage goddess!

Asherah is the great mother goddess of the Middle East. She is the Shekina in the Kabbalah, and she appeared in the Bible as the consort of Yahweh – the wife of God. As such, she is known as the Queen of Heaven. Asherah was effectively written out of the modern Bible, even though she was mentioned over 40 times throughout the Old Testament. She is an all-encompassing Divine Mother goddess, and is connected, through her evolution and existence, to other goddesses of this region of the world, such as Ishtar and Astarte, and according to some sources she is linked even to Athena and Inanna. Her symbol is the Tree of Life, and she was very connected to trees. Her worshipers used to carve her likeness into wooden poles and stick them in the ground to honor her. She came to be heavily associated…

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